If You Have Insurance, Your Cleanings Are Free!
We know many dental patients find the ins & outs of dental insurance…
Be Sure to Use Your Dental Benefits Every Year
If you have dental insurance, your insurance company provides you with certain…
How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?
We've all heard that the pen is mightier than the sword. You might also say…
We Respect the Schedules of Our Working Patients
We know the majority of our patients work during the middle of the day. You may…
Your Intro to Dental Implants
Dental implants are the latest & greatest in dental technology that allows…
What You Should Know About Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding is when you clench your jaw closed & grind your teeth…
What Is TMJ & How Can a Dentist Help?
What Is TMJ The temporomandibular joints are the joints on either side of your…